
Whilst working in Trades and construction

In our fast-paced and demanding industry, balancing client needs, complex projects, and tight deadlines is part of everyday life. However, amidst these challenges, it’s crucial to remember that your mental health is a top priority. 

Neglecting it can lead to burnout, a prevalent issue in the trades. 

To help you maintain a healthy mental balance, here’s an in-depth guide with practical tips and insights.

Choose a Suitable CRM System

For tradespeople, the mental load involved in remembering client details and job specifics can be substantial. Searching for lost information or trying to recall specific client communications can be time-consuming and stressful. This is where a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system, particularly one tailored for the trades, becomes invaluable.

A CRM system, such as the highly adaptable Zoho, does more than just organise client information and job schedules. It acts as a central repository for all the critical details of your business operations – from tracking client communications to monitoring the progress of jobs. This centralisation of information significantly reduces the time spent searching for data and trying to remember specific details.

A CRM system enhances your professionalism.
With all client interactions and job details meticulously organised and easily accessible, you can respond to queries more quickly and accurately.

This level of efficiency and attention to detail does not go unnoticed by clients. It contributes to a more professional image, building trust and credibility in your services.

The use of a CRM helps in reducing the mental clutter associated with juggling multiple tasks and projects. It not only simplifies the management of your business operations but also significantly reduces the mental load of having to remember and organise every detail yourself. By offloading the responsibility of remembering every minute detail onto the system, the mental space you free up allows you to focus more on the hands-on aspects of your trade, where your skills truly shine.


Studies show that organised professionals are 10% more productive. This productivity directly influences mental well-being, as a sense of accomplishment is key to job satisfaction.
zoho crm

Maintain a Diary or Planner

In the trades, the mental load of trying to remember every detail and commitment can be overwhelming. When everything is stored in your head, it not only increases the risk of forgetting important tasks but also leaves you without the support you need to manage your workload effectively.

Using a diary or digital planner goes beyond simply noting down appointments. It’s a tool for structuring your entire workday and week. This level of planning is crucial for efficiently managing workloads. It helps in significantly reducing the mental strain that comes with trying to keep track of numerous tasks and commitments.

When you document your schedule in a planner, it alleviates the burden of having to remember every detail. This shift from mental to written or digital planning can have a profound impact on your overall well-being. It reduces the stress and anxiety associated with the fear of forgetting something important. Moreover, it provides a clear overview of your commitments, making it easier to prioritize tasks and manage your time effectively.

A well-organised planner can be a valuable tool for communication and delegation. When your schedule is clearly laid out, it’s easier for colleagues, employees, or family members to understand your availability and workloads. 

This transparency can lead to better support from those around you, as they can see when you might need extra help or when you have time for additional tasks.

In essence, moving the mental load of remembering and organising your schedule to a diary or digital planner not only streamlines your workday but also opens up avenues for support and collaboration. 

It’s a simple yet effective strategy to reduce stress, prevent overcommitment, and ensure that no important job gets overlooked in the hustle of daily life.


According to a survey, about 65% of successful tradespeople attribute their success to effective time management and organisation.
Zoho Projects

Delegate Administrative Tasks

Many tradespeople enter the industry because of their skills and passion for the technical aspects of the trade. 

However, the paperwork and administrative side of things, which may not come as naturally, can often become a stumbling block. If paperwork isn’t your forte, it’s worth considering delegating these tasks to focus on what you excel at.

Offloading administrative tasks is a strategic move that can significantly reduce your workload. By hiring Virtual Assistants, utilising call answering services, or employing bookkeepers, you can ensure that the essential but time-consuming aspects of your business are taken care of efficiently. These professionals specialise in handling the administrative side of businesses, which means your invoicing, appointment scheduling, and call management are in capable hands.

This approach is not just about time management; it’s about playing to your strengths. As a tradesperson, your expertise and time are best spent on the job, perfecting your craft and delivering quality service to your clients. When you pass on administrative responsibilities to experts in those areas, you free up a substantial amount of time and mental space. This enables you to concentrate on the aspects of your trade that you are good at and most enjoy.

This strategy is about working smarter, not harder. 

It recognises that being efficient in your business doesn’t necessarily mean doing everything yourself. It’s about creating a team where each member, including support staff like VAs and bookkeepers, plays to their strengths, contributing to the overall success and smooth running of your business.

By embracing this approach, you can elevate the quality of your work, enhance customer satisfaction, and maintain a healthy work-life balance. It’s a practical step towards building a more efficient, enjoyable, and sustainable career in the trades.


Research indicates that small business owners who delegate can save up to 20 hours a week, which can be redirected to more productive tasks.

Set Aside Time for Paperwork

Paperwork, while integral to the trades, need not be a source of dread. By dedicating specific times each week to handle paperwork, this task becomes manageable, preventing it from becoming an overbearing part of your work life. This strategy helps you stay on top of administrative duties efficiently.

But there’s more to effective paperwork management than just setting aside time; having a dedicated space to focus is equally important. This is where facilities like hot desks and office spaces come into play. Renting a dedicated desk or office space, available on a daily, monthly, or annual basis, can significantly enhance your focus and productivity. These spaces are designed specifically for professionals like you, providing an environment free from the distractions often found at home or on-site.

By coming to a designated workspace, you signal to your brain that it’s time to concentrate on administrative tasks. This mental shift can lead to more efficient and focused work sessions, ensuring that your paperwork is handled with the attention it deserves. Whether you need a quiet corner for a day or a more permanent office setup, these flexible rental options cater to the varying needs of tradespeople, making it easier to manage the business side of your work in a professional, conducive environment.

With dedicated times and places for paperwork, you create a structured approach that can significantly reduce stress and enhance your overall work efficiency.


A study by a leading business school found that individuals who schedule administrative tasks report 30% lower stress levels.

Make Time for Yourself

Achieving a healthy balance between your professional and personal life is crucial for maintaining mental health. Activities outside of work, such as hobbies, exercise, or quality time with family and friends, play a significant role in mental rejuvenation. These activities offer a much-needed respite from the rigors of work, aiding in maintaining a well-rounded lifestyle.

To ensure that these vital aspects of life are not neglected, it’s essential to view them as ‘non-negotiable’ times in your diary. By blocking out specific times for personal activities and labeling them as non-negotiable, you safeguard these moments from being inadvertently consumed by work-related tasks. This approach is not just about allocating time; it’s about committing to it with the same seriousness as you would a business meeting or a client appointment.

For instance, setting aside Wednesday evenings for family dinner, Saturday mornings for a round of golf, or a few hours on the weekend for a hobby and sticking to these plans as diligently as your work schedule, ensures that you give yourself the time you deserve. It’s a commitment to your well-being.

This practice of scheduling personal time also brings a sense of predictability and structure, which is particularly beneficial for mental health. It creates a routine that your mind and body can rely on, a rhythm that balances the scales between work demands and personal fulfillment.

When you consciously make time for non-work activities, it demonstrates to your loved ones that they are a priority in your life. It strengthens relationships and builds a support system that is invaluable for mental well-being.

In essence, treating your personal time with the same respect as your professional time is not a luxury, but a necessity. By clearly demarcating and adhering to these non-negotiable periods, you ensure that your life remains rich and balanced, both on and off the job.


According to the World Health Organisation, a healthy work-life balance can increase productivity by up to 21%.
Diary Bookings

Join a Trade Community

In the trades industry, many professionals work in isolation, often missing out on regular contact with others.

This lack of interaction can lead to feelings of loneliness and detachment, which are detrimental to one’s mental health. However, there are engaging ways to counteract this isolation and foster a sense of community.

Connecting with fellow tradespeople through local groups or online communities is more than a networking opportunity; it provides much-needed emotional and mental support. These interactions are invaluable in an industry where understanding and camaraderie can significantly uplift one’s spirits.

One effective way to meet and bond with peers is through networking events. These events are a fantastic platform for business owners to come together, share experiences, and build new connections.

Trade breakfasts at The Trade Institute are more than just a networking event; they are a more informal gathering of like-minded individuals who share a common industry, and often, common challenges. They offer a break from the daily routine and a chance to connect with others who truly understand the nuances of working in the trades.

These events can be a source of camaraderie and community. The informal atmosphere encourages open conversations, storytelling, and the forming of new friendships. This sense of belonging can be incredibly reassuring, especially for those who spend most of their working hours in solitary environments.

Engaging in community events like trade breakfasts is an excellent way for tradespeople to break the monotony of isolation, meet new people, and enjoy the camaraderie that comes with being part of a larger community.

It’s not just about making business connections; it’s about building a support system that can positively impact your mental health and overall well-being.


A survey by a leading trade association found that members who actively participate in community events experience a 40% reduction in feelings of isolation and stress.
join us for Breakfast

Prioritise Self-Care

In the demanding world of trades, it’s essential to remember that your mental health should always come first. This is a non-negotiable aspect of self-care. It’s important to understand that people will often take as much as you’re willing to give, but you can’t pour from an empty cup. Your ability to provide quality work, support others, and tackle daily challenges hinges on your mental well-being.

Self-care is not just an optional extra; it’s a critical foundation for everything you do. It involves prioritising physical activities, maintaining a healthy diet, and seeking professional advice when needed. Just as you wouldn’t neglect the maintenance of your tools or physical fitness, especially in a physically demanding industry like the trades, your mental health requires the same level of attention and care.

In the trades, mental health is more than just an abstract concept; it’s a practical tool that drives your efficiency, decision-making, and overall quality of life. Integrating self-care practices into your daily routine isn’t just about avoiding burnout; it’s about ensuring that you are always working from a place of strength and wellbeing.

Remember, prioritising your mental health is the most significant investment you can make – both for your personal life and your professional career. By putting your mental health first, you ensure that you are at your best, not just for tackling the tasks at hand but also for the long-term sustainability of your career in the trades.

So, let’s collectively create a culture within our community where mental health is given the prominence it deserves. By incorporating these seven tips into our daily lives, we can achieve a balance that supports both our personal and professional well-being.

Let’s remind ourselves and each other that in the trades, our mental health is not just an asset but the very foundation upon which we build our success.


The National Health Service (NHS) suggests that regular exercise can reduce the risk of depression by up to 30%.

Our values


somewhere you can come back to at the end of the day
that will cheer you on


a safe environment to access courses and events for development that helps you to progress and learn


A space to build relationships
and networks that will improve your business and social life


a space where everyone
will be respected
regardless of any diversity


Creating awareness
of mental health
in the trade
and construction industry




creating a unique space
dedicated to the construction and trade industry to improve these forgotten about occupations