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Burnout in the Trades

Trade Sector Wellness

Preventing Burnout by Embracing Collaboration and Support

In the bustling world of the UK trades sector, the sheer variety and volume of tasks can feel overwhelming. From the physical demands of the job to the administrative responsibilities that come with self-employment, it’s a lot to manage. It’s an all-too-common belief among tradespeople that they need to handle everything themselves, but this mindset can lead to burnout

The Myth of Doing It All

Why do we feel that we have to do everything? The roots of this belief can be found in societal and professional expectations, the desire to demonstrate independence and competence, or fears of letting others down. In the trades sector, the pressure is often amplified due to the nature of self-employment and the responsibility that comes with running one’s own business.

Consequences of Trying to Do It All

When you try to do everything on your own, the risk of burnout skyrockets. As the World Health Organisation defines, burnout is a syndrome resulting from chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed. Symptoms of burnout include feelings of exhaustion, increased mental distance from one’s job, and reduced professional efficacy.

This can have serious consequences for tradespeople, including impaired work quality, health issues, reduced client satisfaction, and mental health concerns.

The Power of Asking for Help

Asking for help isn’t a sign of weakness; it’s a sign of strength. Recognising when you need support and being open to receiving it can significantly alleviate stress, preventing burnout and promoting a healthier, more balanced work-life.

asking for help isn't a failure

it's an act of self-care that ultimately leads to better productivity, longevity in your trade, and overall wellbeing.

5 ways to help achieve a better work life balance


You don't have to tackle all tasks alone. Consider hiring support staff for administrative duties or partnering with other tradespeople to handle larger projects. Sharing the load can free up your time, allowing you to focus on your areas of expertise and reduce stress.
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Outsourcing certain aspects of your business, like accounting, marketing, or legal work, can lighten your workload and ensure these tasks are handled by experts
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Don't hesitate to reach out to professionals if you're feeling overwhelmed, anxious, or depressed. Mental health professionals can provide valuable strategies to manage stress and prevent burnout
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Connect with experienced tradespeople who can offer advice and guidance. They've been where you are and can provide useful insights and moral support
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Invest time in learning new skills, whether they're directly related to your trade or focus on broader aspects like time management, business skills, or stress management.
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In a sector as vital as trades, burnout isn’t just a personal issue
it’s a concern that impacts communities.

As we come together to debunk the myth of ‘doing it all,’ we pave the way for a healthier, more sustainable trades industry in the UK. 


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Being a sole trader can be a lonely experience. You have to handle everything on your own, from managing finances to finding clients and completing projects. It can be overwhelming at times, and the lack of support and camaraderie can make you feel isolated.

However, being part of a community can make a huge difference. Joining a community of like-minded individuals who understand the challenges of being a sole trader can provide you with a support system that can help you stay motivated and overcome obstacles, ultimately improving mental health.

At Trade Institute, we understand the importance of community. Our platform provides a space for sole traders to connect, share ideas, and collaborate on projects. We believe that by working together, we can achieve more than we ever could on our own.

So if you’re a sole trader looking for a community to be a part of, consider joining The Trade Institute.

We’re here to support you every step of the way.

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