
Bringing Connections Closer to You

Connecting Tradesmen Locally for Business Support, Collaboration, and Personal Growth.

Introduction: As a tradesman, networking may have seemed out of reach due to time constraints and the stigma surrounding not appearing busy. However, we are here to break those barriers and make networking more accessible to you. Discover the immense benefits that networking can bring to your trade business and how we aim to bring networking opportunities closer to you.

Overcoming Time Constraints and Stigma
We understand the physical demands of your trade work and the challenges of midday networking. That’s why we strive to provide networking opportunities that accommodate your schedule. Our events and platforms are designed to fit into your working day, ensuring you can participate without compromising your commitments.

Expanding Your Local Network: Our goal is to bring networking close to you, connecting you with fellow tradespeople, contractors, and professionals in your local area. By fostering connections within your community, you gain access to a supportive network that understands the unique challenges of your trade business. These local connections can lead to collaborations, referrals, and trusted partnerships that contribute to your business growth.


Building Business and Moral Support: Networking offers more than just work opportunities; it provides essential business and moral support. Engage with like-minded individuals who have faced similar obstacles and triumphs in the trades industry. Share experiences, seek advice, and gain valuable insights that can help you navigate challenges and enhance your business performance.

Accessible and Inclusive Networking: We strive to create networking opportunities that are accessible and inclusive for all tradesmen. Our events, both physical and virtual, are designed to break down barriers and ensure that every tradesperson can participate. By bringing networking closer to you, we aim to foster a vibrant community where you can connect, collaborate, and thrive.

Experience the transformative power of networking as a tradesman, without sacrificing your time or feeling stigmatized. Our mission is to bring networking closer to you, providing opportunities for local connections, business support, and personal growth. Join us in breaking down barriers and embracing a supportive community that understands and celebrates the trades. Together, let’s unlock new possibilities and propel your trade business to greater heights.


a space where everyone
will be respected
regardless of any diversity
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a safe environment to access courses and events for development that helps you to progress and learn
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A space to build relationships
and networks that will improve your business and social life
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access, work with and become friends with trusted members and contacts from the community
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somewhere you can come back to at the end of the day
that will cheer you on
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Creating awareness
of mental health
in the trade
and construction industry
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creating a unique space
dedicated to the construction and trade industry to improve quality of life
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