
PrioritiSing Mental and Physical Health
at The Trade Institute

At The Trade Institute, we understand the toll that the construction industry can take on the mental and physical well-being of trade professionals.

That’s why we have created dedicated Treatment Rooms within our center, recognising the need for comprehensive support that goes beyond helplines and superficial measures. 

Our Treatment Rooms are at the heart of what sets our center apart, providing a safe and confidential space for both mental and physical health providers to offer their services to the trade community.

The construction industry is facing a mental health crisis, with trade professionals significantly more likely to experience mental health challenges compared to other sectors. 

UK statistics reveal alarming rates of anxiety, depression, and even suicide among construction workers. 

We acknowledge these sobering facts and are committed to being part of the solution.

Our centre is are staffed by a mental health first aid trained team who have also undergone suicide awareness courses. 

They possess the skills and knowledge to identify signs of distress and offer support to those in need.  

If someone is struggling, our trained staff will follow a referral procedure to ensure they are connected with the appropriate help and resources. 

We aim to be a lifeline for trade professionals, providing a compassionate and understanding environment where they can find the support they deserve.

By providing dedicated space for mental and physical health providers alongside tradespeople, we believe in forging a powerful partnership that can benefit both aspects of well-being. 

The nature of the construction industry often demands physical exertion, long hours, and high levels of stress. 

This can take a toll on the body, leading to fatigue, injuries, and overall physical strain. 

The availability of health services within our center offers convenient access to therapies, treatments, and rehabilitation that are tailored to the unique needs of trade professionals.

mental health is equally important as physical healthand should not be neglected.

Our Treatment Rooms welcome mental health providers who specialise in addressing the specific challenges faced by tradespeople.

From anxiety and stress management to burnout prevention and counseling, these professionals are equipped to offer targeted support that speaks directly to the unique struggles within the trade industry.

The Trade Institute is designed to is be a supportive and nurturing environment for trade professionals.

We recognise that seeking help can be a daunting step, especially in a traditionally macho industry.

Our aim is to break down barriers, eliminate stigma, and encourage open conversations around mental and physical health.

By integrating these services within our center, we normalise the concept of seeking support and demonstrate that taking care of one’s well-being is a sign of strength.

We encourage trade professionals to take advantage of the Treatment Rooms and avail themselves of the diverse range of services offered.

Whether it’s physical therapy, counseling, mindfulness sessions, or specialised treatments, our Treatment Rooms are here to address your unique needs and provide the support you deserve.

Your well-being matters, and we are committed to walking alongside you on your journey toward improved mental and physical health.

The harrowing mental health statistics

2 construction workers die each day to suicide
26% of skilled trades have had suicidal thoughts
Skilled trades are 3.7 times more likely to die by suicide than the national average
Skilled trades account for one fifth of suicide
Suicide kills more skill trades than Falls
Suicide accounts for over 700 construction workers death per year

Our values


a space where everyone
will be respected
regardless of any diversity


a safe environment to access courses and events for development that helps you to progress and learn


A space to build relationships
and networks that will improve your business and social life


Creating awareness
of mental health
in the trade
and construction industry


somewhere you can come back to at the end of the day
that will cheer you on




creating a unique space
dedicated to construction and trades to improve these forgotten about occupations

the fabrication workshop is a haven for trade professionals seeking to elevate their welding and metalworking skills.

With cutting-edge tools, enhanced productivity, a supportive community, a focus on safety, skills development opportunities, and cost-effectiveness, our workshop is the ultimate platform for you to excel in your trade.

Join us at the Trade Institute and become part of a dynamic community that empowers and supports your journey to trade excellence.